Application M.A. Gender Studies

Gender Studies M.A. 

Information in English: Curriculum MA Gender Studies 

Presentation Gender Studies in Freiburg, Dr. M. Mangelsdorf
(during the inauguration of the Master program, October 21st 2011)

Application Process

Since 2011 the University of Freiburg offers a German two-year program Master of Arts in Gender Studies. 

The program can only be started at the beginning of the winter semester. Applications are due by July 31.

How can I apply?

The application is submitted online. To do so, you must first register on the following platform:

When you apply, please make sure you follow the admission regulations for the Gender Studies program. You will find all necessary admission requirements in these regulations.


For the Masters in Gender Studies, students must have successfully completed an undergraduate program of at least three years at an accredited university or college in Germany or a comparable institution in another country with above average marks. Proficiency in German and English (spoken and written) is also required.

Applicants must also demonstrate a solid understanding of gender theories and concepts, either from a previous degree or from work experience in a gender-related field.

If you are interested in admission to Freiburg University, please contact the department for International Admissions and Services. There and especially here you can find all information regarding your registration process.

Usually, applicants are required to have reached a German language level C1 by the time they apply and to have successfully passed the DSH or the TestDaF exam when they are admitted to the university. For information regarding the DSH exam please visit this website.

Further information can be found here:

Information Regarding the Application

Your application must include the following documents:

  • Certified copy of Bachelor diploma
  • Certified copy of transcript (with highlighted/ named courses that have relation to Gender Studies)
  • Proof (such as copies of C1 test scores) of required language proficieny
  • Certified copy of a high school diploma or equivalent completion of secondary school
  • Curriculum Vitae (in German)
  • A personal statement (no more than one page) in German or English
  • A statement in German from the applicant that he/she/they have not unsuccessfully attempted to complete a Masters program in Gender Studies or a related field.

    [This is what the statement should include:
    Ich erkläre ausdrücklich, dass ich in dem beantragten Masterstudienfach noch nicht vom Studium ausgeschlossen wurde (z. B. weil ich eine Prüfung endgültig nicht bestanden haben oder den Prüfungsanspruch verloren habe). Ich versichere die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit meiner Angaben. Ich nehme zur Kenntnis, dass unvollständige oder falsche Angaben zum Ausschluss vom Zulassungsverfahren führen können.
    Date & Signatur]
  • Information regarding English level B2:
  • Information regarding German level C1:

You can find a helpful checklist for your application here:

Further questions?

If you have further questions, please adress them to

Anna Sator

Please find further information regarding the application here.